Every website developer must be familiar with the many rules and techniques involved in web development. You need to be familiar with web technologies to help your website look and function exactly as you desire.

It is usually easy to develop an app or website, even a simple bakery website. You only need to know three main languages: JavaScript and CSS. It doesn’t sound straightforward, but once you understand the basics, it becomes much easier to understand web technology and how it works.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. It may take more training and patience, but eventually, you will have a solid understanding.

What’s Web Technology?

Most likely, you have heard the phrase web-development technologies before. But did you ever consider what it really means?

Because computers cannot communicate with one another the same way that people can, they need codes. Web technologies refer to markup languages like HTML and XML. They also include multimedia packages that computers use to communicate.

1. Browsers

Browsers ask for information and then show it to us in a way we understand. They are the interpreters of the web. These are the most in-demand:

Google Chrome — Currently, the most used browser brought to your attention by Google

Safari is Apple’s web browser.

Firefox is an open-source browser developed by Mozilla Foundation

Internet Explorer Microsoft’s browser


HTML should be your first language. Web browsers use HTML to determine what to display once they have received a request. You need to understand CSS if you want to grasp HTML fully.

CSS is shorthand for Cascading Style sheets. It describes how HTML elements should be displayed on the screen. You’ll be able to create CSS text effects and page transitions as you read enough tutorials.

This Essential HTML & CSS Training by James Williamson can help you get started quickly with these technologies if you are a beginner.

3. Frameworks for Web Development

Web development frameworks can be a starting point for developers to get rid of mundane or simple tasks and get to work.


Angular is a web technology that’s specifically designed for dynamic web applications. This framework makes it easy to create front-end-based applications without needing plugins or other frameworks.

These features include well-made templates and MVC architecture. Code generation, code splitting, and code generation are all included. The expressions look like code snippets and are enclosed in curly braces. They do not contain loops or conditional sentences.

You can learn to get started with Angular or quickly assess if it is the proper framework for your projects. This 3-hour training was published by Justin Schwartzenberger (a Google Developer Expert) in June 2019. This course covers all aspects of Angular, from basics, data binding, routing, and components to more advanced topics like directives and pipes.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, a server-side web technology, makes app development more accessible and efficient. This framework is unique because it allows you to reuse the code and has other cool features that make it easy to do the job quickly.

Ruby creates many popular websites, including Basecamp and Ask. fmGitHub and 500px are some of the most popular.

This guide contains all the information you need about Ruby on Rails.

A 10-hour course on Ruby on Rails by Kevin Skoglund is an excellent resource for those looking to learn more. This course covers all aspects of Ruby on Rails, from the basics to advanced topics like Layouts, Partials, and View Helpers. It also includes several practical tasks.


Yii is an open-source web app development framework built in PHP5. It is performance-optimized and comes with several great tools for debugging and app testing. It is also straightforward to use.


Meteor JS was written in Node.js. It allows you to create real-time web applications on different platforms. Meteor JS is a framework that helps to create simple websites for personal use.

This open-source JavaScript web framework is isomorphic JavaScript. It also significantly reduces webpage loading times. The JavaScript stack allows you to achieve the same results using fewer lines than usual.


Express.js was developed in Node.js and is a web-based app development network. It is ideal for people who need to build APIs and apps quickly. Plugins provide many great features.

This course provides excellent insight into Express.js’ advanced use with MongoDB and Mongoose and shows you different ways to deploy and run an Express app in production.


Zend, an open-source PHP framework, is focused on building secure and reliable web applications and services. It was one of the original enterprise-level MVC frameworks. This framework came before Symfony or Laravel, and Zend is the home to many popular PHP engines like Magento.

Zend is currently in active development, and even though it’s less well-known than its open-source counterparts, it’s still an excellent choice for large-scale PHP apps.


Django, a popular framework written in Python, follows MVC architecture. Because of its simplicity, it makes app development much more straightforward.

Django makes Python easy and offers multiple tools that can make the life of a web developer more accessible, such as an ORM, Models, Django admin, templates, etc. This 1.5-hour video course will help any developer, no matter how advanced, get started developing Python/Django applications in just a few days.


Laravel is a PHP framework that’s ideal for small websites. You will find many useful features, such as MVC support, object-oriented libraries, and Artisan and authorization technique. It is currently one of the most community-supported frameworks. Given PHP’s large community, Laravel can power small websites and large-scale B2B portals that manage millions of daily transactions.

4. Programming Languages

Computers don’t speak the same languages as humans, so they communicate differently. These are the most well-known programming languages:

All web browsers, Meteor, and many other frameworks use Javascript.

CoffeeScript is a “dialect” of JavaScript. Although it is more straightforward, it can be converted back to JavaScript.

Python is used in the Django framework and the majority of mathematical calculations.

Ruby uses the Ruby on Rails Framework.

WordPress uses PHP to create WYSIWYG editors. Wikipedia, Facebook, and other significant websites also use it.

Go A newer language designed for speed

Swift is Apple’s newest programming language

Android and many desktop applications use Java.

Let’s now discuss the most popular ones in more detail.


According to StackOverflow’s annual survey, JavaScript is the most used programming language, with 62.5% of respondents claiming to use it.

It is one of the most important web technologies. If you are interested in learning more, you can begin with This essential training covers the basics of working with objects and functions and how to interact with the DOM. This course is new – Javascript changes rapidly, so you can make the most of the latest language “perks” as you learn Javascript.


Developers love Ruby for many reasons. It’s easy to use and user-friendly, which is why Ruby is called ” the programming language that’s the best friend.”

Ruby’s code is concise and readable. This can sometimes lead to lower efficiency than other programming languages, but it can also mean higher productivity.

Ruby is a great programming language for beginners in web development. Well-written Ruby code can be just as easy to understand as plain English sentences.

The real reason most people use Ruby is the Ruby on Rails framework, which we discussed earlier in this text. Rail is a popular choice for startups that aim to get a running start due to its high productivity.


In 2011, Elixir was released and quickly gained popularity. It was partly inspired by Erlang, a language that Ericsson developed back in the 1980s. Jose Valim, Elixir’s creator, said he loved Erlang but saw some areas that needed improvement.


Scala is a Scalable Language. It is one of many attempts to “rewrite Java.” It is compiled to run on Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This programming language has been a huge success, as companies such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and The Guardian have used it in codebases. Scala is a complicated language that’s also worth learning.

This 3-hour training is a great way to start your Scala journey.

5. Protocols

Protocols are the common name for instructions on how to send information back and forth between devices and computers.

This protocol allows each website to access the browser. This protocol requests the website from Google’s servers and then returns a response with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


WebSockets are used to establish a consistent connection between client and server. This allows you to receive website updates in real-time without the need to refresh your browser.


This protocol is used primarily for API. It has standard methods such as GET, POST, and PUT, allowing information to be exchanged between apps.

6. API

An API (application programming interface) allows developers to access some of the app’s functionality without sharing the code.

Developers expose the endpoints, while APIs can restrict access using an API key. Facebook, Twitter, and Google are examples of well-made APIs for their web services.

7. Formats for data

A data format is a way to store data.

JSON – JavaScript Object Notation – This syntax allows data to be stored and exchanged (just like XML). It is the most widely used data format.

XML– Microsoft systems most commonly use this data format.

CSV has been formatted using commas, such as Excel data.

8. Client (or Client-side).

Clients are the users of an application. Clients can be computers, mobile devices, tablets, etc. Multiple clients can interact with the same app stored on a shared server.

9. Server (or server-side)

Usually, the application code is stored on the server. Clients make requests to the server. After collecting the required information, the servers respond to these requests.

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